Personal Consultant

At Sevilledipity, we take the time to get to know each client to understand their personal priorities and preferences. We understand each individual or family has unique needs and expectations when considering a relocation. For this reason, we have created a personalized consultant service to offer specific solutions. Using our extensive network of contacts and local knowledge, we then provide recommendations that facilitate the smooth and successful transition to your life in Seville. Our approach combines a deep knowledge of Seville’s historic neighborhoods and emerging areas with a detailed understanding of your relocation needs. Whether you are looking for the ideal school, the perfect neighborhood for your lifestyle, or simply want to understand the culture and traditions of Andalusia, Sevilledipity is here to help you. At Sevilledipity we believe that every move is an opportunity to discover a new chapter in life. We not only help you find a place to live, but a perfect home in the heart of Andalusia.


Helpful Information

When arriving in a new city, whether for work, study, travel or relocation, there are several aspects you should consider to ensure a successful transition and adaptation. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  1. Geographic orientation: Familiarize yourself with the city using maps, navigation applications or tourist guides. Identify key landmarks, such as transportation stations, hospitals, supermarkets, and places of interest.
  2. Public transportation: Understand how the public transportation system works, its schedules, costs and main routes. If you plan to use it regularly, investigate if there are special cards or passes.
  3. Accommodation: If you don’t already have a place to stay, look for temporary accommodations while you find permanent housing. Consider factors such as security, access to services and connectivity with other areas of the city.
  4. Basic services: Locate supermarkets, pharmacies, hospitals, banks and other essential services. Knowing where they are will make your daily life easier.
  5. Safety: Find out about the most and least safe areas of the city. Be sure to follow tips and precautions to maintain your personal safety.
  6. Local norms and customs: Each city has its own culture and norms of behavior. Familiarize yourself with local traditions, festivities and etiquette to adapt and respect the locals.
  7. Networking and Connections: Join groups or communities, both online and in person, related to your interests or profession. These networks will help you establish yourself and provide you with support. We strongly recommend joining groups like the AWC of Seville. You will enjoy a wonderful support group and socialize with other expats.
  8. Emergencies: Write down and keep local emergency numbers, such as police, fire, and hospitals, in an accessible place.
  9. Weather and clothing: Find out about the local climate and make sure you have the right clothing, especially if the city has weather conditions that you are not used to.
  10. Legal aspects and documentation: If you have moved to another country or region with different regulations, make sure you have all the necessary documents in order, such as visas, work permits or local IDs.
  11. Recreational Activities: Explore entertainment venues, parks, museums and other attractions. This will not only help you relax, but also integrate and get to know the city better.

Adjusting to a new city can take time, but being proactive and well-informed from the beginning will make the process much easier. Good luck on your new adventure!

Rental Properties

When renting a home, several factors are essential to ensure a satisfactory experience for both the tenant and the owner. First, it is crucial to establish a clear and detailed rental agreement that defines the responsibilities of both parties, such as the amount of rent, payment dates, conditions for return of the deposit, and housing rules. The location of the house is another determining factor. It must be in a safe area that is well connected and close to basic services such as shops, schools and public transport if you want your daily life to be easier and without depending on a car. If you are bringing your four legged loved ones, remember that properties in downtown Seville rarely have yards for pets.

Additionally, it is vital that the tenant conducts a thorough inspection of the property before moving in to detect any defects or necessary repairs and ensure that they are corrected in a timely manner. Last but not least, establishing open and honest communication with the landlord can prevent misunderstandings and ensure a harmonious relationship during the rental period.

Purchasing your home / Investment properties

Whether you decided to retire in Seville, have your second home here, or simply invest in local Real Estate, we can help you in the acquisition of your new property and make this process a lot more efficient and painless for you. Our experience and negotiation skills will save you time and expense.
Let us be your Real Estate personal shopper and enjoy the ride!

Information about Spain

Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a country located in southwestern Europe with some areas of territory across the Strait of Gibraltar and the Atlantic Ocean. Its continental European territory is limited to the west by Portugal, to the south and east by France, Andorra and to the south by the Mediterranean Sea.

Spain is the only European country that has a physical border with an African country (Morocco).

With an area of more than 500,000 km², it is the fourth largest country in Europe. Its capital and largest city is Madrid, while other major cities include Barcelona, Valencia, Seville and Bilbao.

Spain has a rich history, having been home to several civilizations, including  the Romans, the Iberians, Celts and Phoenicians. It was under Arab rule from the 8th to the 15th century, leaving a lasting legacy, especially in architecture and culture. The Reconquista concluded in 1492 when Christian monarchs took Granada, the same year Columbus arrived in America.

Spain became a global empire that influenced many parts of the Americas, Asia and Africa. This legacy can still be seen in the world today, especially in the Spanish language, which has over 460 million native speakers, making it the second most spoken major language in the world.

The country is known for its diverse culture. Spanish cuisine, particularly dishes such as paella, tapas and churros, is popular around the world. Flamenco music and dancing, bullfighting and warm Mediterranean beaches further increase its global appeal.

Today, Spain is a constitutional monarchy, with King Felipe VI as the current monarch. It is a member of the United Nations, the European Union and many other international organizations. Spain, renowned for its art, architecture and history, remains one of the top destinations for travelers from around the world.

I hope this provides a good overview! If you need more specific information or details about a specific aspect of Spain, let me know.